
Welcome To The
Fibro-Room A-C

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Aaron Kidwell


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Trisha Akers


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Jude and Gordon Baillod
"MeByrd and Gordon "


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Norman Barksdale


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Bobbi, Daughter & Don


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Larry & Laureen Bennett
baby Alyvia
"Larry & Lreen"


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Stephanie Bragg


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On March 1, 2002 Candy Passed away. Candy was not just an online friend to many of us, she was the freind we had for years, even if you hadn`t known her very long, she had a way of making it seem like you had been freinds for years. Her since of humor is what i remember most, like getting an E-mail at least once a week or coming into the chatroom and getting a whisper saying ( bite me ) or (you pig) you know i did nothing to deserve it. LOL. Her caring ways like always tring to make you feel better when in reality she`s feeling bad. I was proud to call her my freind and enen prouder she called me freind. I will miss you gal as i know everyone who ever met you will. Goodbye, my freind we`ll see you when we get there.

Candace B.



"Candyshome has left the room"

but not out hearts xoxoxoxoxo

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Tia Brown


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Sandy Bughill


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Bonnie and Alexis
"ckysunrise & Grandbaby"


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Joni Coleman


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Fibro-Room D-H
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